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Dauphin County Planning Commission의 임무는 지역 경제의 성장을 촉진하고 삶의 질을 향상시키며 미래 세대의 필요를 손상시키지 않으면서 카운티의 현재 인구.
Dauphin 카운티 계획 위원회는 Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code(MPC)에 따른 의무를 이행하는 기능을 합니다.
The plan has a goal of expanding transportation choices and improving the performance and operation of the transportation system for all modes. It aims to improve the quality of life for people in Dauphin, Cumberland and Perry counties by encouraging livable communities and efficient land use. It emphasizes efficiently using existing transportation funds while pursuing additional funding opportunities for other transportation system improvements.
To meet its goals, the RTP lays out a list of objectives that can be found on the TCRPC website. These include providing funding priority to preservation and maintenance of the transportation system, addressing safety and security concerns in all transportation projects and programs, expanding transportation choices, improving the quality of life for all users, and reducing environmental impacts.
As the RTP emphasizes the link between land use and transportation planning, it also has an objective of encouraging livable communities and efficient land use by balancing transportation infrastructure design with sustainable build-out potential.
Time-lapse of Route 322 from Linglestown Road
2040 HATS Regional Transportation Plan
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Help build cooperative relations between transportation providers, employers, commercial facilities, governmental agencies & local municipalities;
Enhance safety for all transportation system users;
Maintain a focus on all modes for moving people and goods efficiently;
Provide effective transportation for persons with disabilities.
Coordinate with public and private transportation providers in the development of a transit development plan for Dauphin County that addresses traditional public transit services along with on-demand and other specialized transportation needs;
Promote and seek to enhance ridesharing, vanpools, and similar services provided through the Susquehanna Regional Transportation Partnership (SRTP);
Enhance intermodal services supporting the Harrisburg International Airport;
Participate in updates to the Regional Transportation Plan that are integrated closely with the RGMP;
Incorporate a freight plan into the RTP that addresses highway, rail, and aviation components;
Facilitate the enhancement of bicycle/pedestrian facilities through linkages between local and regional facilities;
Encourage in-fill development and mixed use development through model ordinances and educational outreach;
Evaluate off-street parking requirements in an effort to reduce the areas needed for parking lots, thereby reducing stormwater impacts and potentially making retail, office and industrial lands more transit and bicycle/pedestrian friendly;
Provide municipalities with a range of regulatory and planning tools to enhance the local transportation system such as official maps, access management, transportation impact fees, connectivity assessment, etc.;
Seek to engage with the public transportation provider in PennDOT’s Highway Occupancy Permit e-permitting system to enable them to comment on transit feasibility at the early stage of subdivision/land development activity;
Conduct an evaluation of municipal ordinances for “transit friendliness” and provide outreach to municipal officials on the results of the effort;
Support the efforts associated with transit oriented development in the City of Harrisburg;
Identify and address handicapped accessibility limitations throughout the transportation system;
As the items listed herein are put into action, the Implementation Partners should seek to continue their efforts toward the accomplishment of the plan’s goals through the identification and implementation of additional efforts deemed appropriate by the their committee and the County Commissioners. Any such actions should be publicly identified in the “Tracking Our Progress” section of the Comprehensive Plan Website.