A summary of the key recommendations identified throughout this plan.
Based on the listing of top crash corridors provided by PennDOT and the safety planning tools under development by HATS, and in coordination with the region’s municipalities and stakeholders, conduct a series of corridor studies that seek to identify a range of recommended safety improvements.
Integrate implementation of corridor studies and/or other safety planning efforts into existing Project Pipeline process, minimizing delay between the planning and construction phases for safety enhancements.
Annually update crash data and evaluate conformance with the safety performance measures adopted as part of this plan. This ongoing effort will be used to focus safety programming efforts and evaluate crash frequency in areas where improvements have been implemented as part of the RTP process.
Establish a safety education program within the HATS region build upon the TIM Team initiative and promote safe transportation practices consistent with FHWA and PennDOT guidance.
Continue coordination with PennDOT to select projects for future TIP updates to address assets with the Lowest Life Cycle Cost methodology;
Work with municipalities and PennDOT to collect and analyze data on locally owned, federal aid eligible assets to ensure equal consideration in project selection and development.
Consider a program to assist municipalities in data collection and capital improvement programming for local bridge and roadway projects;
Continue coordination with the necessary agencies to measure progress and work toward asset management performance targets for pavement and bridges (PM-2).
Coordinate with the Mobility and Accessibility committee on a regular basis to continue the ongoing evaluation of the transportation needs of these populations;
Continue work with regional transit and paratransit service providers to ensure equitable access for all populations;
Engage with public, regional partners and stakeholders on Regional Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update being conducted for Adams, Franklin, York, Cumberland, Dauphin, and Perry Counties;
Create and maintain a listing of transportation services in the HATS region.
Conduct studies of the corridors and intersections where congestion and safety are of high concern;
Implement operational improvements that reduce vehicle congestion and encourage alternative modes of transportation;
Continue to engage with Traffic Incident Management (TIM) teams for ongoing incident management coordination for the most congested and crash-prone corridors
Address regional interstate capacity, existing freight bottlenecks, and spot improvements;
Continue to monitor system performance for freight and mobility per national freight performance measures;
Address the region’s needs for truck parking;
Address intersections with substandard turning radii;
Improve motor carrier safety by identifying truck crash clusters;
Minimize truck traffic on lower-order roadways.
Consider access to transit -- and related bicycle and pedestrian accommodations -- a high priority in areas identified for growth in the RGMP;
Work with CAT and other area transit providers on long-term planning efforts to improve service access and efficiency within the HATS region and surrounding communities;
Identify and pursue additional park and ride facilities throughout the HATS region;
Conduct system-wide analysis during next update of Coordinated Public Transit -- Human Service Transportation Plan;
Continue supporting Commuter Services of PA and other community organizations providing transportation services to residents of the HATS region through funding, coordination or planning assistance.
Conduct further analysis and work with municipalities to identify opportunities for Road Diet implementation
Work with municipalities and community members to continue refining the Regional Backbone and ensure any future project (transportation or land development) makes appropriate bicycle and pedestrian accommodations a high priority;
Work with transit providers and other relevant parties to improve pedestrian and bicycling accommodations near transit stops and routes;
Work with PennDOT and municipalities to identify low-cost and important opportunities to improve the region's bicycle and pedestrian safety and connectivity;
Maintain communication with the Plain Sect community to refine the areas of concern, provide timely information on construction projects and potential detours, and provide coordination between PennDOT and the community to incorporate improvements such as shoulder widening, vertical curvature reduction, and/or signage in areas with the greatest safety issues.
Improve at-grade rail crossing safety;
Improve overall rail freight safety;
Support Operation Lifesaver and its public awareness campaigns;
Coordinate with PennDOT and railroads to address the region’s many railroad bridges and underpasses that feature overhead height restrictions;
Investigate the needs for improving short-line rail service.
Continue to support regional economic growth through SARAA’s efforts;
Be proactive in planning for the anticipated increase in traffic with new developments in and around HIA;
Educate nearby municipalities on transportation and land use controls to help monitor the anticipated increase in traffic with new developments in and around HIA.
Manage growth toward areas with existing or planned public facilities and services, consistent with the identified Community Service Areas and Planned Growth Areas
Promote the creation of livable, sustainable communities through community design which accommodates a range of lifestyles, age groups and working conditions and development patterns which promote active living and access to recreation, service, food and a multi-modal transportation network
Encourage an adequate amount and mix of safe and sustainable utility facilities and services consistent with projections through 2040
Encourage the use of and planning for “green infrastructure” and other clean, efficient innovations
Promote compact and infill development and redevelopment consistent with capacities and planned facilities and services.