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The HATS FFY 2025-2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and associated Air Quality Conformity Determination were officially adopted by HATS Coordinating Committee on June 28, 2024 and will take effect October 1, 2024.

The HATS FFY 2025-2028 TIP is a comprehensive listing of all federally funded transportation highway, bridge, transit and miscellaneous transportation improvement projects in the HATS area programmed for funding the next four years.


The Air Quality Conformity Determination demonstrates the forecast summer day VOC, NOx and PM2.5 and annual direct PM2.5 and NOx, emissions satisfy the applicable conformity tests for ozone and fine particulate standards.

While public comments are no longer being collected for inclusion in the formal TIP submission, any comments or questions can be submitted to Andrew Bomberger, Transportation Planning Coordinator.



Any questions or comments can be submitted to Transportation Planning Coordinator Andrew Bomberger.



The TIP project map application is a web-based GIS mapping application for Highway and Bridge projects on the Commonwealth's Twelve Year Transportation Program and Regional Transportation Improvement Programs (TIPs).

This application for use with Internet Explorer only and was created to allow access to map and other information regarding highway and bridge projects.

Using Internet Explorer, you may search for projects and/or bridges by address, planning partner, legislative district, County or by PennDOT engineering district.

Click here for statewide TIP project map.


The PennDOT One Map replaces the previous MPMS maps application and includes mapping for HOPs and environmental features.

  • TIP map: This map represents the Transportation Improvement Plan, the next four years of planned road and bridge work in the commonwealth. The starter map allows for the coordination of road and bridge work with other efforts such as utility coordination, highway occupancy permit coordination, as well as coordinating planning with local governments and planning agencies.

  • HOP map: This map represents Highway Occupancy Permits (HOPs) (Utility, Driveway and Miscellaneous). The permit information is extracted from PennDOT’s Electronic Permitting System (EPS). This map can be useful to locate on-going or closed permit work within the limits of a planned project as well as identify potentially responsible parties when there is a failure of the highway. Permits issued pre-EPS and not uploaded into EPS are not displayed.

  • Environmental Screening map: This map identifies the layers that are used during the preliminary engineering phase of the project delivery process to identify environmental considerations covered by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). These data layers come courtesy of various university, state, and federal resource agencies.



TIRe is a web application for providing traffic count data and is designed to enable Internet users to view interactive maps of traffic counter site locations and traffic count information for roadways throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Users will have access to all available raw hourly classification and volume data.  Additional resources, such as Functional Class, National Highway System (NHS), and traffic limits are available to assist you in planning.

TIRe also has a mobile version that is accessible through the same website. TIRe will automatically switch to the mobile version when it recognizes that it is being accessed through a mobile device. The mobile version has access to TMS Stations, PennDOT’s Roadway Management System (RMS) Administrative information, Highway Performance Monitoring System (HPMS) Samples, TMS Limit Seg as well as several base maps. If you have questions, feedback or suggestions, email

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