لجنة تخطيط مقاطعة بيري
تطبيق الرسوم والرسوم ––
لتقديم تقسيم فرعي أو خطة تطوير الأراضي لمراجعة لجنة تخطيط مقاطعة بيري أو الموافقة عليها ، يرجى تنزيل هذا الطلب وتعبئته:
لن يتم قبول الخطط بدون الرسوم المطلوبة والتطبيقات المكتملة ، بما في ذلك التوقيعات من البلدية المعنية.
To submit a subdivision or land development plan for Perry County Planning Commission review or approval, please download and fill out this application:
Plans will not be accepted without required fees and a completed applications, including signatures from the respective municipality.
A formal subdivision and/or land development application consists of the following:
A completed subdivision and land development application;
A review fee (payable to Perry County Planning Commission);
One hard copy of the subdivision and/or land development plan set;
One digital copy of the subdivision and/or land development plan set (pdf format).
For fee information associated with the review or approval, see the municipality in the menu below and click the fee link.
If you have questions regarding the fees, call us at 717-234-2639 before submitting a plan for review.
Blain Borough
Jackson Township
Landisburg Borough
Millerstown Borough
New Buffalo Borough
Northeast Madison Township
Southwest Madison Township
Toboyne Township
Bloomfield Borough
Buffalo Township
Carroll Township
Centre Township
Duncannon Borough
Greenwood Township
Howe Township
Juniata Township
Liverpool Borough
Liverpool Township
Marysville Borough
Miller Township
Newport Borough
Oliver Township
Penn Township
Rye Township
Saville Township
Spring Township
Tuscarora Township
Tyrone Township
Watts Township
Wheatfield Township